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Fill this form after paying your membership fees. Editors will verify the payment and turn your 'Membership Fees Status' to 'Paid' from 'Pending'. In case of any delays in this confirmation, you can SMS/Whatsapp 9490440673 or mentioning your VSSS ID

Eg: APANTP1(If you can not give your VSSS ID correctly, we request you to choose 'No' in the above dropdown to give your contact details. We can cofirm this payement using the given contact details and link to your membershio to approve your membership fee payment)
Full Name
NOT COMPULSORY(You may give your 10 digit mobile number  to allow us to contact you. Do not add a '0' before the number)
Choose State and District(If you are an NRI, Worldwide must be chosen instead of the state. Instead of district, you need to select your country)
NOT COMPULSORY (This would be useful to contact you)
Total Amount (in Indian Rupees)
Add any more details of the payment and other istructions you wish us to add about this payment can be added here
Scan of Reciept related to this payment can be uploaded here
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, jpeg.