Vadde Obanna was born on January 11th in 1816 in the Renadu region of Rayalaseema in Andhrapradesh. Vadde Obanna belongs to nomadic tribe called vadera in that region. This nomadic tribe is known by different India like Od, Bhovi, Vadde, Wadar etc. At that time, when that part of India was under the control of British East India Company, feuds between Palegars and Company over compensation given to Palegars have turned into isolated armed rebellions in ceded region. The notable rebellion of that region was by Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy, the Palegar of Nossam in Renadu region of Ceded. Unfortunately, the valiant role played by Narasimha Reddy's chieftain, Vadde Obanna never came to light in the post independence India. As a chieftain who commanded ferocious nomadic tribes like Vadderas, Boyas, Chenchus etc. in the fight against British India Company around Nallamala region, Vadde Obanna deserves a better place in history as a freedom fighter according to this ballad. As the main accomplice of Narasimha Reddy, the role played by Vadde Obanna in protecting his master and master's family from British East India company is also forgotten and lost in history. We the Vadders, the nomadic tribe which has given valiant heroes like Vadde Obanna in India's freedom struggle have taken this character injustice very seriously and decided to celebrate Vadde Obanna Jayanti on January 11th of every year. By doing so we are not just restoring the pride of nomadic tribes but the pride of all Bahujans of India who were not given the due credit in the patriotic history of India. We humbly request everyone to participate in Vadde Obanna's birthday celebrations and spread the word of his valour and contribution to India's struggle for independence. Jai Vadde Obanna! Jai Hind!
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